The new season of OUAT is good but…

I thought I wouldn’t like this season. Most of the cast is gone. I wasn’t sure if it would feel like Once Upon A Time anymore. The story itself feels kinda lazy because it’s basically a twist on the first season. BUT even knowing these things, I can’t hate it. Nostalgia? Possibly. Hear me out, though.

Image result for older henry season 7 ouat gifIt does feel like Once Upon A Time. The tone of the show didn’t rely that much on Snow, David, and Emma like I thought it did. The magic is still there. And to be honest, I was nervous about Henry and how they would write him as an adult. But I was worried about nothing because I like this Henry! I was worried about Hook because I didn’t know how they would justify taking him away from Emma. But that’s been settled so I’m OK for now. I know this new era has just started, but I have hope and I am looking forward to the future of OUAT.

So what don’t I like? Well. I mentioned above that I’m not in love with the writing and there are multiple reasons for that. I’ll delve into one of them.

Earlier in the show, they taught us about the Untold Stories. This opened up (pun intended) 🎶a whole new world🎶 of fairytales! We could bring in new, interesting characters we might not have heard of before. We can spice it up and see how these obscure fairytales fit in with the remaining cast. There was a lot of potential there.

Instead, we have a remake of a retelling. Which isn’t bad, but it’s disappointing. I’m glad they’re involving Tiana! That’s new. But we already have a Cinderella. She got her happy ending. We already have an Alice. She got hers. We already have an evil stepmother… etc. etc.

BTW Cinderella’s fairy godmother has the worst luck ever, no matter what reality she seems to be in.

I know what they’re getting at because, in the beginning, Young Henry (I still find myself calling him “our Henry” in my head so it’ll be a while until I’m completely used to this one) was saying how there are multiple realms and multiple Snow Whites, for example. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense, it’s that I feel like we’re missing out.

If you want to write a story where Alice isn’t the good protagonist searching for her true love in a genie bottle, fine. Be edgy. If you really really want to hold onto those fairytale tropes involving Cinderella, you can, you’ve just done it before.

Image result for alice once upon a time in wonderland gif

I miss these two

I’m not saying it’s terrible. I’m not saying it’s inspired. It’s OK and I like it. I’ll only stop watching this when it ends so rehashed storylines/characters or not, I’m a Oncler for life.

On an unrelated note, I’m still wondering if they’ll be including Robin or Gideon in this season. What do you think? And how old would they be?

River of Lost Souls | OUAT Season 5B

Image result for ouat season 5bOncers, unite! Season 5B ended a while ago and I still wanna talk about it! First of all. If you’re not watching Once Upon a Time yet, you should. It’s a magical, beautiful, and touching show with the occasional heartbreak. I am all about fairytale retellings, so I love this show! I really really recommend you watch it. But don’t just jump in right now. This is one of those things you need to start from the very beginning. You’ll get lost and certain things won’t matter to you if you’re not caught up.

From this point on, spoilers will be happening. Got it? Great.

So. The Underworld. That was fun, right? A lot of people were thrown into the River of Lost Souls because of some of our favorite characters. So again, fun, huh? Let’s see. There was Milah, Gaston, Charming’s twin brother, Aunt Em, Peter Pan… Some I was okay with. Some not.

Milah, in my opinion, redeemed herself. I was looking forward to her moving on and finally seeing her son after all this time. But I guess not, ’cause Gold needed to be a jerk. I’ve made my feelings about Gold pretty clear in the past… Let’s just say I didn’t like this.
Should not have been lost forever!


Gaston did seem bad, and when you think about it, he was doing what he thought was best for the kingdom. No, that doesn’t make him torturing someone okay all of the sudden, but still. He was kinda 50/50 for me. I felt bad for him when he was first turned into a rose (which is super confusing. Did he die then or when the rose died? Important questions, people!). I’m not really sure.
Maybe deserved it.


James, Prince Charming, whatever you wanna call him! I’m okay with him being in the River of Lost Souls. That sounds terrible. But there was really no hope for him.
Yeah, why not?


Aunt Em. I mean. Do we need to go into this? Of course, I don’t like this! All she did was try to blow a kiss into a bottle. She didn’t deserve to be turned into a liquid.
Absolutely not!


Peter Pan, I can see multiple reasons why they got rid of him. 1) He kinda deserved it and 2) Robbie Kay, the guy who plays him, is in his twenties. Peter Pan died a while ago. If this guy matured any more, it wouldn’t make sense. He’s dead. Why does he look older? As a villain, I liked Peter Pan in this show, but they just couldn’t keep him around forever.
Deserved to be lost.


I think that was all of them. If I missed any, tell me. I may have forgotten one or two. Like I said, I love this show and this season in particular was one of the darker and sadder. Well, duh, we’re close to Tartarus. Of course, it’s gonna be dark. But it was fantastic! A lot of people moved on, though. I just wanted to talk about those who didn’t. I could make a whole post about Cora moving on if you wanna. I might save that for later. (I didn’t like when she moved on, to give you a hint of what that post would be like.)

Go ahead and share with me some of your thoughts on the last season of Once Upon a Time! Who did you think deserved to move on or not? I’d love to discuss with you.

Thanks for reading! 😀