Deltarune theories/review ♠️

Ok…I know Toby Fox said this and I believe him.

I will say that basically, what you’re seeing here is not the world of UNDERTALE. UNDERTALE’s world and ending are the same as however you left them. If everyone was happy in your ending, the people in the UNDERTALE world will still be happy. So, please don’t worry about those characters, and that world. It will remain untouched. To rephrase that, DELTARUNE’s world is a different one. With different characters, that have lived different lives. A whole new story will happen… I don’t know what you call this kind of game. It’s just a game you can play after you complete UNDERTALE, if you want to. That’s all.

But I’m gonna tell you about the theories I had while playing this anyway because it’s fun.

Going into this, I knew nothing about it and I had no expectations. All I knew was Deltarune was made by the same guy who made Undertale.

How could it possibly be bad? I am so happy I didn’t just watch someone’s playthrough of it like I did with Undertale because it is incredibly fun to be in control for a change. Going around, collecting information, and getting used to all the mechanics was very exciting. I love these games so much. I love how they’re different and I love the similarities between the two. There are a lot of aspects of Deltarune that are interesting improvements which no doubt make the game more difficult to create. Props to you, Toby. I really admire you.

Right away, this game surprised me. I knew there would be twists and creepy stuff but I was still shocked when my precious vessel (I will never forget you, Thibsud) was rejected and I had to play as Kris. That doesn’t make sense, I thought to myself. This seems to take place after Undertale but why am I not “Frisk” or even “Chara”? Am I just trying out different names that are sort of anagrams for Frisk (because there seem to be a lot of anagrams here)?

Did we erase Kris’ soul in order to make room for our own? That sounds strange but it connects to something Goner Kid, a Gaster follower had said:

Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same…

Except you don’t exist?

Everything functions perfectly without you…

Maybe the world is functioning the perfectly without Kris there. Will the vessel I created and named ever make an appearance again? Why are people talking about my brother Asriel in college? Is he even going to college? Are we just saying that to cope with him not being here? Is that why I get a free I-pity-this-kid-hot-chocolate later in the game? Is it more about breaking the fourth wall by implying that he’s just away but the player knows better?

Of course, none of these questions would be answered right away. In fact, they’re still not answered. But that’s why I like this game. And that’s why I’m here!

Like I said, at first glance, this seems like an Undertale sequel post-pacifist route. Toriel and Asgore aren’t together, it doesn’t make sense how Asriel could be there but he’s definitely older if he is, and the town we live in could be where the monsters decided to settle after escaping the Underground. Then when our adventure starts to come to a close, this happens and I lose it.

His name is an anagram for Asriel and now it makes sense why

Is he Asriel’s doppelganger? The Dark World could also be a separate dimension. He could be this world’s Asriel in disguise -being a literal prince from the dark- but I suppose then Kris probably would have recognized him.

Then we get to explore our hometown and talk to everyone we know and love. But things are different. Like how the title is an anagram for Undertale, the world is basically the same, just a bit mixed up.

Sans is there but the Papyrus we know isn’t. Apparently, Sans has a younger brother. We’ve never met Sans before ; ) so he has no idea ; ) how you know him ; ) because he’s new in town ; ) and totally not still aware of how to manipulate space-time ;))) The amalgamates may never have been created but they seem to have gravestones anyway. Bratty and Catty do not get along. Some of the kids we go to school with remind me of characters we’ve met before in Undertale so it’s possible they could be their relatives or older versions of them. It doesn’t seem as if they ever lived below the surface and no one mentions any other humans aside from the player. One character alludes to something terrible happening in the past (possibly the human/monster war) but they don’t elaborate.

There is a locked door to the south of town that appears to lead underground, though. Maybe that’s where the monsters came from. Or maybe the humans were driven underground in this timeline instead. Maybe Chara and Asriel (or Asgore) ended up defeating most of the humans and decided keeping them away in the Underground was the safest thing to do. If that’s the case, what the heck is the Dark World we traveled to if not the Underground? Were the creatures living there not monsters?

Mettaton can’t be seen but we hear him in a house that looks like Napstablook’s (where is my favorite ghost??? Does he work at the police station?). I guess he never met Alphys or got his robot body in this universe. And don’t even get me started on our dad’s Flower Shop! Alphys prefers Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 over the original for some reason. But the worst difference, the worst one of all… UNDYNE DOESN’T KNOW ALPHYS. That means no ship, no anime, no nothing. Undyne’s a cop now, though, and that’s cool but I’m still heartbroken!

That raises other questions. Is Kris actually Chara? How would they know to ask Undyne about Alphys unless they were aware of that alternate timeline where they like each other? If Deltarune was post-pacifist route, why does Kris rip out their soul and throw it in the cage at the very end? Could this be the next “world” Chara goes to after the genocide route?

I wondered if it could be a prequel. The song that plays when you finish the first chapter of Deltarune is called “Don’t forget”. If you don’t remember, there’s a drawn picture of three smiling people with “don’t forget” written under it in Undertale. By drawing this picture, was Sans trying to remember something from a previous timeline, specifically the heroes in the Deltarune timeline? Is this actually a prequel that gives us a happy ending with the monsters escaping the Underground only to be loaded by someone, forcing Sans to relive everything again and again in Undertale?

He may have been trying to “go back” to the world we see in Deltarune

Undyne has both of her eyes in Deltarune so it could be a prequel chronologically speaking but was Toriel a teacher before they escaped the Underground too? Why isn’t Asgore in charge if it was a prequel?

So it isn’t a sequel; it’s a separate timeline. Gaster and Sans and Chara knew all about those. That’s what worries me. If let’s say, Mr. Fox is purposefully misleading us, telling us to consider this as a separate entity from Undertale, I can see this being the story of how Chara decided to find a new vessel (Kris) to try ruining everything again. Or maybe Kris could have taken their soul out at the end of the game to stop the conflict between the positive, determined nature of the player and their corrupted vessel that has been exposed to the fountain of darkness.

It could be another fourth wall breaking moment. Maybe Kris is trying to protect the world from us, the player, but locking away their soul, the only thing we truly use to interact with everyone. That’s why they stare directly at us with a crazy look on their eye. Because previously, we decided to commit genocide in Undertale. Who’s to say that won’t happen again?

Chara might not even exist in this dimension. Kris might have just taken out a knife in the middle of the night, looking straight at us to be creepy. By the way, how long did they have that knife on them?!

When you finally leave the Dark World, “you feel something weird” and then you’re home. And as satisfying as it was, our mission wasn’t close to being done. We were supposed to prevent the world from being overrun with darkness but did we do that? Did beating the king really fix anything? It’s a good thing Susie wants to go back the next day, though. They can continue to sort things out in their own little Narnia/Wonderland.

There are so many things we don’t know about Deltarune and that makes me excited. Such as: Why is it impossible to kill (not that I want to)? The enemies always run away. Is this being controlled by someone like Chara or is this the game’s way of showing how little we can impact this world in a unique way? This is what I love so much about being in the Undertale fandom. It’s interesting to think about this stuff. And I’ll never stop being amazed at how cool the story and characters are.

At one point, Susie threatens Lancer’s father by saying “everybody bleeds.” Which is interesting. Considering in the Undertale universe, monsters can’t bleed. They turn to dust. This is still supported by the kid who asks us if it hurts to be made of blood. But maybe monsters are made differently in this dimension. The different laws of physics of this world could have allowed the monsters to overpower the humans.

If it’s an alternate timeline, why are Toriel and Asgore not together? Does that mean Asgore never killed those humans to free his people from the Underground? Why does Toriel dislike him in this reality?

I’ve also wondered if Lancer is a younger version of Sans but I hardly have anything to back that up. It’s just speculation based on character design and personality.

Who is the mysterious knight they kept mentioning? Another Undyne?

Chara still seems to be the narrator. If they even exist. When and how could they have possessed Kris?

I learned this from the internet, not experience but I’ll include it ‘cause it’s funny… Naming your vessel Gaster reloads the game. Naming yourself Gaster causes the game to close.

I still don’t know much about Jevil but I’m working on that.

Deltarune is so great. I adore Ralsei. I love the Fun Gang. I can’t wait to see more of Susie and Kris. Everything is so clever and carefully thought out. I’m grateful we have this chapter. There are hilarious tropes and charm galore and the writing is delightful.

There’s only one ending to this game apparently, but the choices we make still feel like they matter. It feels good knowing you spared everyone you encountered. It feels bad knowing you beat everyone up no matter what. But our choices technically don’t amount to anything.

Sounds familiar.

I’m not a game developer or a hardcore gamer so I have no idea how I would critique something like this. I have no complaints. I’m just going to happily and patiently wait until there’s more. Bottom line is I’m very glad I have an excuse to be obsessed with Toby Fox’s brilliant creations once again.


I haven’t posted anything here for a while so HELLO. A few weeks ago, I was planning on writing something about the Gerudo in Breath of the Wild but I lost my creativity halfway through. If you guys want me to finish that up, I can 😀

The new season of OUAT is good but…

I thought I wouldn’t like this season. Most of the cast is gone. I wasn’t sure if it would feel like Once Upon A Time anymore. The story itself feels kinda lazy because it’s basically a twist on the first season. BUT even knowing these things, I can’t hate it. Nostalgia? Possibly. Hear me out, though.

Image result for older henry season 7 ouat gifIt does feel like Once Upon A Time. The tone of the show didn’t rely that much on Snow, David, and Emma like I thought it did. The magic is still there. And to be honest, I was nervous about Henry and how they would write him as an adult. But I was worried about nothing because I like this Henry! I was worried about Hook because I didn’t know how they would justify taking him away from Emma. But that’s been settled so I’m OK for now. I know this new era has just started, but I have hope and I am looking forward to the future of OUAT.

So what don’t I like? Well. I mentioned above that I’m not in love with the writing and there are multiple reasons for that. I’ll delve into one of them.

Earlier in the show, they taught us about the Untold Stories. This opened up (pun intended) 🎶a whole new world🎶 of fairytales! We could bring in new, interesting characters we might not have heard of before. We can spice it up and see how these obscure fairytales fit in with the remaining cast. There was a lot of potential there.

Instead, we have a remake of a retelling. Which isn’t bad, but it’s disappointing. I’m glad they’re involving Tiana! That’s new. But we already have a Cinderella. She got her happy ending. We already have an Alice. She got hers. We already have an evil stepmother… etc. etc.

BTW Cinderella’s fairy godmother has the worst luck ever, no matter what reality she seems to be in.

I know what they’re getting at because, in the beginning, Young Henry (I still find myself calling him “our Henry” in my head so it’ll be a while until I’m completely used to this one) was saying how there are multiple realms and multiple Snow Whites, for example. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense, it’s that I feel like we’re missing out.

If you want to write a story where Alice isn’t the good protagonist searching for her true love in a genie bottle, fine. Be edgy. If you really really want to hold onto those fairytale tropes involving Cinderella, you can, you’ve just done it before.

Image result for alice once upon a time in wonderland gif

I miss these two

I’m not saying it’s terrible. I’m not saying it’s inspired. It’s OK and I like it. I’ll only stop watching this when it ends so rehashed storylines/characters or not, I’m a Oncler for life.

On an unrelated note, I’m still wondering if they’ll be including Robin or Gideon in this season. What do you think? And how old would they be?

Why Cars 3 is a great addition to the Pixar universe

‪Spoilers ahead.

‪You don’t have to see Cars 2 to understand or enjoy this movie. I did like Cars 2 (it is not Pixar’s strongest film, even though it’s fun, I guess) but this one is so. much. better. Oh my god. After watching it, I couldn’t wait to see it again. I’ve always loved Cars and I’m so happy this movie was made because it is fantastic.‬ I’m also glad that first trailer was misleading! I thought Lightning would never race again. Thank you for scaring me, Pixar.


‪They handled Cruz’s storyline very well and the best thing about it is they didn’t make it about her being a female racer. The fact that she’s a girl doesn’t even come up. They made it about her anxiety and lack of confidence. There is no moment like “Oh, I gotta prove myself to these MEN” or “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean-!!”


They do something subtle though. When they go to meet all the older racers that knew Doc, I think the only one she knew about was the female racer. This car does talk about sexism for a while and it’s obvious Cruz is a fan. It was just touching to see her meet a role model like that. Anyway, the movie isn’t special because hey~ we have a female car winning the race! No. It’s special because Cruz is just special. It’s special just like any other movie where the rookie becomes the master. I want more stories like this.‬

All the homages to Doc. Just all of it. I couldn’t handle it sometimes. I had tears streaming down my face, guys. I had such a strong connection to it, mostly because of nostalgia. But those scenes were powerful. And I love how Lightning filled his role and did so many things in his honor, trying to be the best teacher he can be. The part where we see all of the letters and newspaper articles Doc was sending his old friends was beautiful. I’m a sucker for these things. HE WAS JUST SO PROUD ;-;‬

I love Mater and he’s amazing, but thank goodness he is just a side character in this one.


‪We see how much Lightning has grown and changed since the first movie. The similar openings were funny – “Did I really used to say that?” – and the pranks the racers play on each other were great.‬


So was Cars 3 good? Absolutely. Am I biased? …Possibly. But I genuinely think Pixar did a good job with this one. I will be happy to watch Cars and Cars 3 back to back someday.

Now, I look forward to Coco.

Steven Universe Season 2 Discussion | (。♥‿♥。)

jiiq4k4I saw episodes “Say Uncle” through “The Answer” of season 2 in Steven Universe. Yes, I know, that’s not the full season. But that’s all Hulu has right now! Anyway, I wanna talk about it. So if you haven’t seen seasons 1 and 2 of this show, please do so before reading this.

Anyone still reading? Good.

While “Say Uncle” is not my favorite episode ever, I can appreciate it. (FYI I personally am not a big Uncle Grandpa person.) What I liked: the foreshadowing for an Uncle Grandpa/Clarence crossover, the fourth wall breaking, and this beautiful gif that came out of the episode:

Image result for our ship steven universe gifThat can apply to them in several ways… Sadly, there wasn’t much Sadie in this season. Therefore, not a lot of Lars either. I’m not a huge fan of them as a couple but I still missed them this season.

BUT! One cool thing we got was the ‘Story for Steven’ episodes! Yay, flashbacks and backstories! I admit, the first time I saw Greg and Rose’s love story, I thought it was generic, rushed, and a way to cater to the audience (please correct me if I am so very wrong). But in the other ‘Story for Steven’ episode called “We Need To Talk”, they addressed their relationship in a practical way, pointing out their differences and even mentioning how fast they moved. So that was cool.

Another thing that got highlighted (at least to me) in those episodes was Pearl’s obvious friend-zone-y-ness. It’s sad, really, how much she’s gone through. You’re told your whole life you’re just a decoration, but then comes along a beautiful warrior who wants you to help her start a revolution. You train yourself how to fight, win the war alongside your friends, and hope that beautiful warrior will love you back. But she chooses someone from a different species entirely and disappears. Well, not really disappears. Becomes half of her son whom she had with a human. Now your crush lives inside a half human boy you have to spend time with every day and not be creepy towards. UGH!

Pearl does seem annoying sometimes, but I get her now.

Lion wasn’t around a lot. I wanted more evidence for the “Lion is Rose” theory. Oh well. We did get Fusions, though! That was exciting. If you wanna see my post about all of the Fusions that have been in this show so far and what the gemstones look like in real life, CLICK HERE.

I didn’t mention in my season 1 review all of the things this show does to showcase different sexualities and gender identity. There are a lot of beautiful messages in this show about family and growing up, but I think the more subtle ones are the best. There’s Pearl’s crush on Rose, Stevonnie… Have I mentioned I love this show?

Something I didn’t love: the theme near the end during the credits. Those lyrics are very sad. Self-loathing, almost. I mean, I get the meaning behind “Nothing Like You”, but it is sad. It is a gorgeous song, though.

And I hate to say it because this opinion contradicts itself, but the way they handled Garnet this season was kind of…okay. I prefer the more mysterious, quiet, season 1 Garnet. Because we know she’s a Fusion now, that kinda stopped. Garnet was very exposed this season and talked to Steven about everything and was surprisingly openly emotional toward him, like, a lot. The reason this opinion contradicts itself is because….Garnet was very exposed this season and talked to Steven about everything and was surprisingly openly emotional toward him, like, a lot and it was awesome!!! But a smidgen out of character.

Image result for i love you garnet steven universe gif

Anyway, “Keeping It Together” was a fantastic episode. I love Garnet and Steven scenes. And this whole episode was basically them talking. Finding stuff. And bonding even more. This episode had Garnet scared too. SCARED! Have we seen her this freaked out before?? It was heartbreaking and amazing all at the same time! The Garnet-focused episodes are always my favorite. Like “The Answer” which seems to me like a very fan requested episode (which was probably why they made it).

Fun fact – Garnet was technically the first Homeworld mixed race couple.

We learned a lot about Gem Fusions and Garnet and Pearl and Amethyst grew a little. Connie is using Rose’s sword now and is training to fight. Garnet and Pearl were fighting for a little while. And that episode ended in a way I should’ve expected. “I wish things worked out like they did in cartoons.”

Um. But. You are in a–Never mind. That’s another thing I admire about this show. It’s very realistic, though dealing with completely unrealistic things. It took multiple episodes for Garnet and Pearl to make up. Sadie wasn’t forced to sing in front of people, she’s just practicing on her own for now. And that is fantastic!

Peridot is now our…friend? I don’t know if I’m okay with that. She’s kinda annoying. She’ll help us progress and she’s adorable but still annoying. I guess that’s the point. She’ll grow.

The pacing between episodes confused me a little. We’d be chilling at home one day, planning a play (Jamie came back! And his crush on Garnet? lol) and the next day, we’re looking for Jasper and Lapis in the ocean. It was a little strange for a while how they wouldn’t focus on that for a couple episodes and then all the sudden be like, “Oh, we gotta find Malachite! Poor Lapis is probably exhausted!”

There were half as many episodes in this season than last time, so this isn’t fair, but I’m gonna say it. I prefer season 1. Season 2 was epic and touching and filled with a lot of great songs, but I got a soft spot for beginnings.

What did you think of this season? Did you love it like me, or could they have done better? Please, no spoilers for future episodes.