The Little Prince movie discussion | Go See This Masterpiece!

Image result for the little prince movie official posterNetflix, you beauty. The only thing I’ve done recently has been use you for Sherlock -finally- and reruns of other shows that I am caught up on. (By the way, Sherlock? two thumbs up) But this movie… This movie, guys! I’m so glad I saw it. I apologize to my Netflix account for not seeing it sooner.

I will keep this as spoiler free as possible because I don’t want to give you anything. I mean, I’ll say general things, but as to the overall plot/resolution? Nada. I just want to gush about this for a while.

Also I need to start this by saying: I haven’t read “The Little Prince”. I didn’t even know of it’s existence before this movie. So for all of you that want my opinion on the book and how this movie used it, sorry.

The Little Prince is a lovely blend of two different forms of animation. Both look fantastic! I loved the design of all the characters. And I loved how the world was set up. In some cases it is a lot like the real world, just a wee bit dramatized every now and then. But that was necessary to get their point across.

The lessons in this film are the biggest thing for me. A lot of these lessons are things I’ve already learned, but that doesn’t matter. The way they wove together all these different themes into one movie was beautiful. And this is such a good movie for children to watch. Even adults! It deals with family, friends, school, loss, growing up, and not growing up. Done poorly, this could’ve been super cheesy. But they had a nice balance.

I teared up too. This things freakin’ emotional!

OK, maybe more than just ‘teared up’. And if you’re wondering whether or not you need tissues going into this movie, keep in mind that my family is just a collection of super sensitive crybabies that feel our feelings when we feel them. BUT! As a precaution, go ahead. There might be tears. It’s such a touching story.

There were times when I was worried about where they were going with the messages. Sometimes it was back and forth because of the conflicting opinions of certain characters. But it worked out. Boy, did it work out. Like I said, kids need to see movies like this. And adults. Everyone can learn something from this film.

The characters are great. The mix of styles of storytelling is great. It was all so great, I’m running out of adjectives and dkajbvifbejrbewv!

It was just so well done story and animation wise, I don’t even know what to say anymore. Please go see it. I’m pretty sure it’s only on Netflix, but correct me if I’m wrong. If you don’t have Netflix, it’s worth it! Get it! Watch this thing! Please. Then when you’re done, watch Sherlock because it took me forever to get into that fandom but now that I am, I couldn’t be happier!

Sidenote: The only episode I have left of Sherlock is “The Abominable Bride” so please no spoilers on that? ‘Kay thanks.

Back to The Little Prince. There are things in the story that surprised me. Usually things end perfectly in movies. And I don’t enjoy that. Like my pet peeve about people never having to deal with missing body parts in stories, I don’t like how every single problem needs to be fixed so we’re all happy. Yes, there are exceptions to this pet peeve, but for the most part… If it’s cheesy  and predictable and OF COURSE they did that because it’s a kid movie/TV show/book, that’s when I don’t like it. Children should be exposed to more realistic stories. Now, I’m not saying “take away all happily ever afters.” Just that a little realism would be nice. The world doesn’t give you things all the time, and everyone needs to know that.

This movie isn’t very gentle with you. It doesn’t have a perfect happily ever after like most things would and that’s what makes it so perfect. It ends nicely, but it’s not all wrapped up in a neat little bow. It deals with real life problems, handles them with care, but also gives you a real and moving story. Thanks for that.

I did realize something about myself while watching this: School has changed me. I probably never would’ve thought of meanings behind characters, or metaphors, or themes, or anything of that nature if it wasn’t for school. I usually don’t like reading into stuff too much because it reminds of assigned books. Because it’s boring and difficult for me sometimes. But not with this. This movie made me think of what lines could be interpreted as and why they did that with the pacing to create suspense!  Or ‘what does this object symbolize?’ (With such a philosophical movie, though, that makes sense.) So, I guess, thanks, school.

Anyway. Yeah. That’s all I needed to say. I have other thoughts, but I think that’ll be good. I hope you enjoyed reading this and please go check out this movie! You won’t regret it.

Let’s get a discussion going in the comments! Share this with friends, talk to me on social media. I wanna connect with you guys. 🙂